在神話內,Tricksters 擔當著充滿智慧和秘術的角色,是代表陰謀詭計和離經叛道的騙術家。著名的 Tricksters 有 Loki 和 Leprechaun 等,常見於電影角色。
與 Dinosaurs、Robots 和 Wizards 不同的地方是,Tricksters 在意的並不是增強自己,而是擅於擾亂對手。這對很多玩家來說,是咭牌遊戲的魅力所在。”Discard a card” 是 Tricksters 的常見效果,透過強迫丟棄手牌,妨礙對手計劃。
Leprechaun (5) x 1 - Ongoing: After another player plays a minion here with less power than this minion's power, destroy it (resolve its ability first).
Brownie (4) x 2 - Ongoing: After another player plays a card that affects this minion, that player discards two random cards.
Gnome (3) x 3 - You may destroy a minion on this base with power less than the number of minions you have here.
Gremlin (2) x 4 - Ongoing: After this minion is destroyed, draw a card and each other player discards a random card.
Block the Path x 1 - Play on a base and name a faction. Ongoing: Minions of that faction cannot be played here.
Disenchant x 2 - Destroy an action that has been played on a minion or base.
Enshrouding Mist x 2- Play on a base. Ongoing: On your turn, you may play an extra minion here.
Flame Trap x 1 - Play on a base. Ongoing: After another player plays a minion here, destroy it (resolve its ability first) and this card.
Hideout x 1 - Play on a base. Ongoing: If another player's action would affect your minions here, destroy this card and the action does not affect your minions.
Mark of Sleep x 1 - Choose a player. That player cannot play actions on his or her next turn.
Pay the Piper x 1- Play on a base. Ongoing: After another player plays a minion here, that player discards a card.
Take the Shinies x 1 - Each other player discards two random cards.
一回合最大力量:9 (Enshrounding Mist + Leprechaun + Brownie)
兩回合最大力量:17 (Enshrounding Mist + Leprechaun + Brownie + Brownie + Brownie)
如果玩家選擇每回合打出 Minion 和 Action 各一張,而種族內沒有抽牌的 Minion 和 Action,那麼他只能靠回合結束時抽兩張咭補充手牌,手牌數量不變。這意味著 card advantage 沒有加減,還要冒著被 Tricksters 丟棄手牌的危機。
Card advantage 是 deck 手必需懂的術語,Eric Taylor 定義 card advantage 為 "... any process by which a player obtains effectively more cards than his opponent." 擁有比對手多的咭牌,代表著你有更多的選擇和計劃。那麼我們如何製造 card advantage 呢?
前篇提及,Wizards 靠 “Draw a card.” 和 “Draw two cards.” 等效果補充手牌,除了使其更快得到強效的咭牌,亦可以加速把墓地的咭牌洗進牌庫。
Mystic Studies - Draw two cards.
Enchantress (2) x 3 - Draw a card
打出 Mystic Studies 後,手牌數量加一,因此 Card advantage +1,而 Enchantress 的 card advantage 是 ± 0。Card advantage ± 0 並非代表沒有用處,因為大部份的咭牌打出後不會讓你抽牌,因此 Draw a card 這種效果相對的 card advantage 便是 +1,Draw two cards 的相對 card advantages 則是 +2。
由於 card advantage 比較自己和對手的咭牌數量,因此對手 “Discard a card.” 為你帶來 +1 card advantage,”Discard two cards.” 則是 card advantage +2。丟棄手牌這種效果,若果對手不能選擇丟棄那張手牌,必需隨機丟棄,將會帶來更大的破壞力。
Brownie (4) x 2 - Ongoing: After another player plays a card that affects this minion, that player discards two random cards.
Gremlin (2) x 4 - Ongoing: After this minion is destroyed, draw a card and each other player discards a random card.
Take the Shinies x 1 - Each other player discards two random cards.
以上三張 Tricksters 咭牌 card advantages 都是 +2,可是 Take the Shinies 是主動效果,而 Brownie 和 Gremlin 則是被動效果,因此看上去是 Take the Shinies 比較厲害。
除了丟棄手牌,破壞對手已打出場中的咭牌與禁止其打出某些咭牌也是增造 card advantage 的方法。
Gnome (3) x 3 - You may destroy a minion on this base with power less than the number of minions you have here.
Disenchant x 2 - Destroy an action that has been played on a minion or base.
Gnome 和 Disenchant 分別是破壞對手已打出的 Minion 和 Action 之手段,card advantage +1。
Block the Path x 1 - Play on a base and name a faction. Ongoing: Minions of that faction cannot be played here.
Mark of Sleep x 1 - Choose a player. That player cannot play actions on his or her next turn.
Block the Path 和 Mark of Sleep 是禁止打出的代表作,讓對手在的 Base 上不能打出指定種族的 Minion,或使對手於下一回合不能打出 Action。這些都是擾亂敵陣的進階謀略。
雖然 Cuddle 屬於 Teddy Bear 而不是 Tricksters 這個種族,但使其他咭牌無效化這種效果必須要在這裏談及。
Cuddle x 2 - Play on a minion. Ongoing: This minion's abilities are cancelled.
Laseratops (4) x 2 - Destroy a minion of power 2 or less on this base.
Cuddle 是 Teddy Bear 種族特有的 Action,能夠消除 Minion 的效果。消除效果在 Smash Up 中看上去效力可能比破壞對手的 Minion 弱,可是破壞 Minion 的咭牌通常有力量值的限制,像 Dinosaurs 的 Laseratops 般只能破壞力量值 2 或以下的 Minion。要對付流放於 Jungle Oasis 的 Archmage 可能要靠 Cuddle 作出抵抗。
Tricksters 不像 Dinosaurs 和 Robots 般以強大的力量值取勝,而是步步為營,慢慢控場,尋找勝利之道,比較適合稍為掌握咭牌遊戲的玩家使用。