Pirates 的能力簡直是為 Smash Up 這個遊戲度身訂造,是 core set 內見風使舵的能手。其特色是 "Move a minion",打出 Minion 佯攻某 Base,推右走左。玩家需要看清各 Base 的形勢,分析走勢,偷雞得分。Pirates 的操作難度甚高,不建議咭牌遊戲新手使用。
Pirate King (5) x 1 - Special: Before a base scores, you may move this minion there.
Buccaneer (4) x 2 - Special: If this minion would be destroyed, move it to another base instead.
Saucy Wench (3) x 3 - You may destroy a minion of power 2 or less on this base.
First Mate (2) - Special: After this base is scored, you may move this minion to another base instead of the discard pile.
Broadside x 2 - Destroy all of one player's minions of power 2 or less on a base where you have a minion.
Cannon x 1 - Destroy up to two minions of power 2 or less.
Dinghy x 2 - Move up to two of your minions to other bases.
Full Sail x 1 - Move any number of your minions to other bases. Special: Before a base scores, you may play this card.
Powderkeg x 1 - Destroy one of your minions and all minions with equal or less power on the same base.
Shanghai x 1 - Move another player's minion to another base.
Sea Dogs x 1 - Name a faction. Move all other players' minions of that faction from one base to another.
Swashbuckling x 1 - Each of your minions gains +1 power until the end of the turn.
Pirates 來說,計算每回合平均或最大力量值輸出是徒勞無功的。這是因為 Pirates 主要透過把 Minions 放到不同的 Base 上,使對手難於計算力量總和,再以 Full Sail 和 Dinghy 調動場上兵力來出奇制勝。Pirate King 也是奇襲能手,在自己或對手回合都能發動效果,插隊爭勝。Pirates 的 Minion destroy 能力較弱,通常只能破壞對手力量值 2 或以下的 Minion,控場則靠 Sea Dogs 和 Shanghai 推走對手。Buccaneer 與 Powderkeg 的配合看似厲害,把 Base 上力量值 4 或以下的 Minion 全數肅清,自己還能逃之夭夭,可是 Pirates 沒有 draw 牌的手段,2 card combo 只能期盼運氣降臨。First Mate 則是 Pirates 的致勝關鍵,在 Base 清算後仍能走到其他 Base 上,等同於有 2 至 8 點額外的力量值在場上徘徊,亦可產生連鎖反應,連爆兩元。
Pirates 效果獨特,不像 Tricksters, Wizards 和 Robots 等能夠以 card advantages 來計算。"Draw a card", "Discard a card", "Destroy", "Cannot be destroyed" 等效果常見於其他種類的咭牌遊戲;可是 Pirates 的效果與 Base 緊扣,而 Base 是 Smash Up 獨有的概念,把 Pirates 說成為 Smash Up 度身訂造的種族也絕不為過。