

Smash Up core set 的壓軸好戲 - 來自星星的 Aliens。Aliens 的重心句子是 “Return a minion to its owner's hand.”,就像太空船把地球生物吸上去一樣。

Supreme Overlord (5) x 1 - You may return a minion to its owner's hand.
Invader (3) x 2 - Gain 1 VP.
Scout (3) x 3 - Special: After this base is scored, you may place this minion into your hand instead of the discard pile.
Collector (2) x 4 - You may return a minion of power 3 or less on this base to its owner's hand.

Abduction x 1 - Return a minion to its owner's hand. Play an extra minion.
Beam Up x 2 - Return a minion to its owner's hand.
Crop Circles x 1 - Choose a base. Return each minion on that base to its owner's hand.
Disintegrator x 2 - Place a minion of power 3 or less on the bottom of its owner's deck.
Invasion x 1 - Move a minion to another base.
Jammed Signal x 1 - Play on a base. Ongoing: All players ignore this base's ability.
Probe x 1 - Look at another player's hand and choose a minion in it. That player discards that minion.
Terraforming x 1 - Search the base deck for a base. Swap it with a base in play (discard all actions attached to it). Shuffle the base deck. You may play an extra minion on the new base.


“Return a minion to its owner's hand.” 任意選擇對象,包括自己和對手的 minion,可是 99% 的對象都是 Invader!玩家鬥快爭奪 15 分是 Smash Up 的勝利條件。打出 Invader 即時可以獲得 1分,以 Collector 或 Beam Up 使其回到手上,再打出 Invader 便可以再次得到 1分,如此類推。適當時候打出 Disintegrator,把 Invader 放置牌庫底部,回合結束時又可以找到它~ 如果這個組合成立,平圴每回合你可以得到 0.5分。

以每隻 minion 平均力量 3 計算,一個 24 breakpoint 的 base 需要 8 隻 minion 才能擊破。這只是假設沒有玩家干預,並且所有玩家都把 minion 緊隨其後放置同一個 base,實制上可能要 4 個回合或以上才能有玩家得分。若首名玩家可得 4 分,則平均每回合有 1 分可取;尾位玩家得 1 分計算,則平均每回合只有 0.25 分。按照這樣推測,每回合的 0.5分進帳可是多麼 juicy。

即使早段未能抽到 Invader,也可靠 “Return a minion.” 拖延戰事,慢慢侵略地球。Terraforming 也是一張非常有趣的咭牌,可以把一個即將結算的 base 變成垃圾 Jungle Oasis,使玩家得分大減,繼續等待 Invader。


Aliens 可算是最不希望 base 結算的種族,配合 Ninjas 的 Ninja Acolyte 和 Disguise 會有意想不到的詭異效果 


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